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05-09-2006, 09:24 PM
Did I Catch Rummy In A Lie?

Click Here (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/didrummylie.mp3)

The first three seconds of this clip is from Ray McGovern's confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld. Part of his argument to get out of explaining the lie that Ray called him on was, "I'm not in the intelligence business".

Yet, according to today's Press Briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld feels he's qualified enough to tell us, "What the single most important thing about the discussion of intelligence" is.

Why is he qualified today to talk about intelligence, and not last week when Ray Mcgovern confronted him on the very subject?

05-09-2006, 09:32 PM
My God! For that he should be impeached! Claiming not to be in intelligence then claiming to know about intelligence! ...oh wait. He has aides. He has secretaries. Devisions of the military make reports to him, because he's the boss man. Oops, false alarm, I guess it really is feasable for Rumsfeld to know about intelligence without working in the intelligence field. Damn, you were so close, Gold. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

05-09-2006, 09:34 PM
My God! For that he should be impeached! Claiming not to be in intelligence then claiming to know about intelligence! ...oh wait. He has aides. He has secretaries. Devisions of the military make reports to him, because he's the boss man. Oops, false alarm, I guess it really is feasable for Rumsfeld to know about intelligence without working in the intelligence field. Damn, you were so close, Gold. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

The Department Of Defense has the largest intelligence apparatus in the known world that takes up 80% of the intelligence budget (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10016). Maybe you've heard of them, The Defense Intelligence Agency.

05-09-2006, 09:48 PM
Exactly. And Rumsfeld gets all that info. He certainly doesn't collect it. He recieves it. His work, I'd imagine, is at a more management level. My boss doesn't do any work himself either.

05-09-2006, 09:52 PM
Exactly. And Rumsfeld gets all that info. He certainly doesn't collect it. He recieves it. His work, I'd imagine, is at a more management level. My boss doesn't do any work himself either.

But does your boss know what you do, and what the end result of your work is?

05-09-2006, 10:22 PM
I never said he didn't know intelligence. Saying he didn't work with intel was a bad excuse. It wasn't an outright lie, though, because he mearly orders people in intelligence arround. Close, but no cigaro (http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Usa/128KB/System%20Of%20A%20Down/04_%20Cigaro.mp3).

05-09-2006, 10:27 PM
I never said he didn't know intelligence. Saying he didn't work with intel was a bad excuse. It wasn't an outright lie, though, because he mearly orders people in intelligence arround. Close, but no cigaro (http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Usa/128KB/System%20Of%20A%20Down/04_%20Cigaro.mp3).

No no... you're right. Rumsfeld isn't in intelligence. Just like he wasn't in intelligence in the 70's when he was promoting the massive build up of Russian weapons that didn't exist.