CNN Promotes Junk Missile/Pentagon Theory As Thing That Drives Us - Video Inside


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CNN Promotes Junk Missile/Pentagon Theory As Thing That Drives Us
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They're trying to portray the ridiculous missile/Pentagon theory as the only thing that people question within the 9/11 Truth Movement. Did the release of that video clear up your questions about Sibel Edmonds? Did the release of that video clear up your questions about the Wargames? Did the release of that video clear up your questions about Norman Mineta? Did the release of that video clear up your questions about the Pakistani ISI? Did the release of that video clear up your questions about the Secret Service? Did the release of that video clear up ANY of our questions?


Take note of the acknowledgement of 80 existing videos, and how sources say one shows a plane. The one from the Sheraton.

If they release that, and continue promoting it as the only question we had, this is going to be an uphill battle.
Hopefully a rebuttal will be offered... On CNN they did mention the other videos, how some were saying this one wasn't conclusive (which I think most people can see) and the pending lawsuits right after they showed the new video. But if this becomes the issue that really breaks out for 9/11 Truth...and they have video of flight 77 hitting the will suck.