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06-14-2006, 06:49 PM
Bush accidentally mocks blind reporter's 'shades'


Click Here (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/06/14.html#a8710)

Wednesday June 14, 2006

This Exchange between United States President George W. Bush and journalist Peter Wallsten at White House Rose Garden, June 14, 2006:


PRESIDENT BUSH: Yeah, Peter. You're going to ask that question with those shades on?

PETER WALLSTEN: I can take them off --

BUSH: No, I'm interested in the shade look, seriously here.

WALLSTEN: All right. I'll keep it then.

BUSH: For the viewers there's no sun. (Scattered laughter.)

WALLSTEN: I guess it depends on your perspective.

BUSH: (Laughs, laughter.) Touche. (Laughter.)


Peter Wallsten is blind.

06-14-2006, 10:27 PM
I'd have loved to hear what he said when someone hipped him to that little factoid

06-14-2006, 11:06 PM
I listened to Randi Rhodes rip him a new one over this (I think that was shortly after she went on a serious LIHOP rampage) and my thought was... jeezus, give it a rest. I mean, I loathe him as much as the next (insert noun here), but this was just pathetic and warranted only the minimum of attention. He should send the guy a muffin basket and make a big donation to macular degeneration research and we should move on.

Good Doctor HST
06-15-2006, 04:36 PM
This is just another classic example of the slacker Bush not spending time to find out about the people who sit in on his briefings EVERY DAY.

I don't understand why the guy didn't make Bush look like an ass at the time. From what I saw on the news, Bush initiated the back-and-forth shades talk; I assume because Mr. Wallsten didn't ask a pre-programmed question that Georgie knew the answer to beforehand. Peter should have said, "I wear shades because I'm blind you fucking nitwit. Jesus H. Christ I've been to about a hundred of these conferences you shit-for-brains lame duck retard, get a clue...." But that's just me.