America's Night Of The Living Dead

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Article from The Watchman Report

Something is grossly wrong in America. We all can feel it, we all know it, but we can't put our finger on it, but we know that something is very, very wrong. People are acting strange, they are in a zombie-like denial of something ominous on the horizon.
Americans walk around in a dream-like daze like a wife who knows her husband is cheating on her, but doesn't have the guts to confront him about it. Americans are suffering from a mass case of “battered wife syndrome”. She is well aware that her husband is cheating on her and beating her daily, yet she is in deep denial, a denial so deep it is a sickness, a literal mental illness. Rather than confronting the truth of her husband's infidelity and beatings some take out their deep inner aggressions on everyone else. Others just live their lives in a putrid fog, an abstract nightmare that can only be masked by taking another hit of the drug, BLISS! Ahhhhh, self inflicted and convenient ignorance is bliss.

It all started on September 11, 2001, when the government (husband) lied to us about a 757 jetliner flying into the Pentagon, leaving only a sixteen foot hole, and three steel framed skyscrapers, two of which were a 100+ stories collapsed into their own footprints within minutes of being hit by planes (one was never hit - it just fell). No honey, I was at the office last night. That lipstick on my collar is not lipstick, it's grape jelly...

...and if you can believe that lie then you can also believe a 757 JUMBO JET made this sixteen foot hole in the Pentagon, not even leaving an indentation where the wings should have hit! HELLO!!! Is anybody home? If you believe cartoon network physics like this then in your strange and bizarre world of denial, you are in danger of being sucked down the drain of your bathtub! Honey, your spouse is cheating on you and you know it!

What is even more amazing than this real-world physics IMPOSSIBILITY is not the government lie and cover-up (all surveillance camera video was confiscated by the FBI), but that intelligent people like yourselves ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT! Or do you? The truth is, none of us believe this utterly ridiculous lie, but the truth is even more distressing and disturbing to accept than the lie, and people do not want to be disturbed or distressed. We do not BELIEVE the lie, but we ACCEPT the lie (knowing it is a lie) as fact. We have accepted this lie to the point of madness, wherein now many have convinced themselves to believe the lie as fact, and in so doing we have become accomplices to all the barbarous and genocidal acts that have been committed around the world to protect ourselves from facing what we KNOW to be true.

In the film, The Matrix, humans are depicted as slaves hooked into a giant computer, which weaves a matrix of illusion about them. In modern America, we too are hooked into an illusionary matrix. Only it is an electronically-generated web of propaganda, spin, omission and distraction presented daily by the corporate mass media. Most Americans seem unable to perceive, much less escape, this psychological matrix.

The tragic attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are an example of how a person’s thoughts and emotions can be manipulated by electronic audio and video images. The horror and revulsion felt by Americans was swiftly used to stampede both Congress and the public into accepting foreign wars and subsequent loss of freedoms, all in the name of security. However, far too many questions and anomalies remain about 9/11 to justify closure. All evidence appears to indicate - an inside job.

- Investigative Journal

The perpetrators of this heinous crime have spent billions of dollars examining and testing the psyche of man, with the results demonstrating the truth of the Nazi philosophy which they are implementing, that "People will more readily believe a BIG lie than a small one." And it worked and succeeded, for the most part, even to the surprise of those who took the risk to pull this mass murder deception off!

Phase two was quickly implemented to rally the shocked and grieving Americans around the flag and against the fabricated enemy and to stir the pot of patriotism to a heated boil, that ANYONE who did not believe the cartoon-physics demonstrated on September 11, 2001 was unpatriotic and were with the fabricated terrorists.

"You are either with us or you are with the terrorists!"shouted the chief cheer leader and figurehead of the atrocity, and the mass deception of an entire nation was a GO!

Now the agenda could be carried out; the war on world oil resources from third world countries and the nazification of the American people, to bring them into submission and subjection to the New World Order. Without September 11th, neither could have been accomplished.

On September 11th, the globalists won the TRIFECTA, so says Bush, and all evidence from the twin towers controlled demolition , yes I said it, controlled demolition! You saw it with your own eyes and KNOW that 100+ story skyscrapers COULD NOT fall by accident into their own footprint so neatly, BOTH OF THEM(???) — without professional, HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL help, with the steel girder evidence of a controlled demolition swiftly shipped off to China, never to be seen again or forensically investigated by the American people, lest the truth come out of what really happened on 911, and the American people revolt, canceling the globalists check that they had just cashed - against the American people.

Since that time, the government has been swiftly bankrupting America through bogus contracts, war, inflated gas prices and more.

Our government wouldn't lie to us and be complicit in such a barbarous and hideous act!!! They did and they are - AND YOU KNOW IT! Which makes EVERYTHING that they have done since, based on this heinous lie all the more despicable and wicked. The torture of innocents, mass murder, illegal wars, deforming children with depleted uranium, incarceration of innocent people, called enemy combatants, the oppression within our own country, the destruction of the U.S. Constitution - EVERYTHING!!!

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Normal people like yourselves cannot fathom nor comprehend evil to this extent, and they depend on your not being able to understand this level of wickedness. It is their greatest strength.

Face the truth and get over your insane, ungodly denial! You have been duped and like brainwashed and mind controlled, frightened to death, zombies — you deny it all, and call anyone who tries to tell you different — a conspiracy theory nutcase! What world do YOU live in? They did it, YOU KNOW IT and America is in DEEP TROUBLE.

Like the betrayed wife, not willing to have her ridiculous bubble of security besmirched by her husband's lies, the disillusioned and battered wife, knowing she is being lied to, blocks the truth and pretends that all is well in her failing marriage. She will defend to her death her husband's fidelity and faithfulness to her friends and associates, all the while knowing that they are telling her the truth. Her marriage is over and unless she has the guts to confront her murdering, cheating husband, he will kill her next.

Welcome America, to your worst nightmare, your “Night of the Living Dead!” Because you are unwilling to accept the truth, you have become like walking zombies to those in the know and are willing to face the truth. You are like people walking the Green Mile, a dead-man walking, living in a fake, fantasy world of pretense and denial. In your denial you are back peddling and moon walking right over a cliff.

Unwilling to accept the fact that your government has betrayed you and is complicit in murdering 3000+ of your fellow citizens, you would rather buy another lie — to go and kill as many innocent people as you must in order to validate the fantasy that your husband is not cheating on you. Everyone must be tortured and die in order to validate your denial!

People are driving faster and more recklessly, more short tempered, snapping and lashing out at others at the drop of a hat. Americans are beginning to suffer deep mental and emotional dementia for their complicity in the crimes against the rest of the world in order to validate their denial of the truth and to bolster the tons of lies they have filed away in their minds. In so doing, we have become - zombies.

Knowing the truth, we turn on FOX News to validate the lies and get our quick fix of bliss, knowing that FOX News and others are now obviously government propaganda tools, and no longer the credible news gathering entities that we grew up with.

Something has changed in America. America is no longer America, but something else and is continuing its deadly metamorphosis on a daily basis. The country is both monetarily and morally bankrupt and is over ripe for attack by outside nations who seek to put a stop to our madness of global domination, torture, mass murder and mass terrorism - based on lies.

The American attitude is: "We are the world superpower! No one can stop us!"

In truth, we zombies know that our days are numbered, but we have so overdosed on the Great American Drug, BLISS, through our multitude of pushers that we just don't care anymore. In effect - we are all just waiting to be attacked, invaded and killed at the hands of our enemies, for we KNOW that there is much blood on our hands and we KNOW that we are guilty of killing, torturing, maiming and brutalizing the rest of the world - based on our LIES!

Dead men walking, the Night of the Living Dead are we, who claim to be the light unto the world, the Christian nation, the beacon! We promise to bring democracy to the rest of the world, but democracy prosecuted by war. By peace we shall destroy many.

For a truth America has fallen from her once benevolent place on the world scene and is now an aggressor nation even as Nazi Germany was, and will eventually have an even greater fall and destruction than even Nazi Germany.