Jon Stewart And Aasif Mandvi Report Fake News From Gaza - Video Inside


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Jon Stewart and Aasif Mandvi report fake news from Gaza

David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday June 19, 2007

On Monday's Daily Show, Jon Stewart played a year-old clip of Condi Rice saying, "What we're seeing here ... is the birth pangs of a new Middle East," before declaring, "Where is this [fucking] baby already?"

Stewart then showed scenes of chaos in Gaza, including Hamas gunmen raiding Fatah's headquarters. "Drinking Abbas's water, sitting at his desk, and talking on his phone," complained Stewart. "What a totally lame way to humiliate your enemy. 'I'm in your office, dude!'"

Stewart turned to "senior Gaza correspondent" Aasif Mandvi, who declared, "All is well on President Bush's roadmap for Mideast peace! .. The plan called for Israel to pull out of Gaza. Done. Palestinian elections in 2006. Check. Full-blown civil war. Check."

"Are you suggesting that our plan was to create a civil war? asked Stewart, to which Mandvi replied, "Every good democracy-spreader knows no state can be considered stable until it's gone through a good old-fashioned brother-on-brother killfest."

The following video is from Comedy Channel's Daily Show, broadcast on June 18.

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