Kucinich's July 4th Message: Help Me Restore "Rule Of Law In America" - Video Inside


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Kucinich's July 4th Message: Help Me Restore "Rule Of Law In America" - Video Inside

Kucinich's July 4th message: Help me restore 'rule of law in America'


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Muriel Kane
Published: Friday July 4, 2008

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has been at the forefront of the attempt to push for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and last month presented 35 articles of impeachment to Congress. Now Kucinich has released an Independence Day message which invokes the words of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to urge support for impeachment and the restoration of the rule of law.

"Some Democratic leaders say impeachment's off the table," Kucinich begins. "So let's set a new table for our nation, upon which we place the Constitution, and where we demand that all those who've taken an oath to defend it keep their promise and protect our nation from the threat within. Please go to kucinich.us now and sign the petition which calls for impeachment. This is the one petition that will make a difference because I will be personally delivering it to your member of Congress."

"Two hundred thirty two years ago, our nation was 'conceived in liberty,' continues Kucinich, quoting Lincoln's famous phrase. "We have once again reached a moment of truth, one that Lincoln recognized at Gettysburg, as to 'whether this nation, or any nation so conceived or so dedicated, can long endure.'"

"Through the ashes of the Civil War," he goes on, "Lincoln prayed 'that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.' This 4th of July 2008, we face a different kind of war, one which is trying our souls, a war based on lies."

"With the power of truth, the power of the people," Kucinich concludes, "we can achieve a new birth of freedom." As the strains of "America the Beautiful" swell in the background, he urges, "Be the answer to Lincoln's prayer. Please pledge your support now for restoring the rule of law in America. As we once again celebrate Independence Day, let us celebrate freedom from fear and pledge that this government of the people will survive in this land that we love."

Meanwhile, President Bush delivered a July 4th address before a naturalization ceremony for new citizens at Thomas Jefferson's home of Monticello that was repeatedly interrupted by protesters. According to news accounts, "shouts from protesters were heard during Bush's remarks," while a transcript notes repeated occurrences all through the speech of "Audience disturbance," "Audience interruption," and "Audience interruption continues."

RAW STORY has more on the protest at this link.