BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research - Video Inside


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BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research
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Professor Steven E. Jones spoke in Provo to a group of about 50 people o April 6, 2006. He gave the audience an update of his 9/11 research. On interesting point he mentioned is a video of the South Tower that shows what looks like yellow/white hot molten metal, which could possibly be thermite on thermate (used in explosives)

Click Here (256MB)
Man... at first glance I thought it read he gave up on 9/11 research. LOL.
Don't suppose there's a lower quality version floating around (after 700mb on that God video, I need to conserve! Damn bandwidth limiters)?
Even a mp3?

Edit: I am NOT fishing if that's what you're thinkin!
I downloaded this video and it wouldn't play. Tried several different media players, none would work. Do you know of another format or site where I can get this video?
Damn, did you hear the little tidbit near the end about Bob Dole's Chief of Staff bringing a law suit against the individual members of the Bush administration over 9/11? The guy said he knows for a fact that Bush gave the order for the 9/11 attack and he has military personnel will to come forward and testify under oath.
beltman713 said:
Damn, did you hear the little tidbit near the end about Bob Dole's Chief of Staff bringing a law suit against the individual members of the Bush administration over 9/11? The guy said he knows for a fact that Bush gave the order for the 9/11 attack and he has military personnel will to come forward and testify under oath.

Who said that? Professor Jones? I didn't hear that. The Stanley Hilton flop has been exactly that, a flop...
beltman713 said:
Damn, did you hear the little tidbit near the end about Bob Dole's Chief of Staff bringing a law suit against the individual members of the Bush administration over 9/11? The guy said he knows for a fact that Bush gave the order for the 9/11 attack and he has military personnel will to come forward and testify under oath.

Ok... so it wasn't Professor Jones who brought up Hilton, but someone from the audience.