New WTC7 Flyer By Jan Hoyer

Looks good although they have a "the the" in the second paragraph. I would have mentioned the Enron documents in the "Tenants" section as well.

There is also a new redesigned Flight 93 flyer.
(comments and suggestions about flyer content
is always welcome)

A two up Flight 93 flyer, and perhaps a four up flyer may also
be posted soon. Keeping the cost as low as possible for activists
seems very important these days.

Someone I greatly respect recently told me that the Flight 93
propaganda will be becoming huge, so flyering is imperative.
It occured to me that we should have another Fahrenheit 9-11
like flyering campaign, like we did at 911Visibility for the Fahrenheit
9-11 movie "Dude, There's More to the Story"
(the main flyer for that campaign is also on my download page).

Best regards,