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Thread: Gold9421 - 9/4/1921 - 8/13/2000

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Gold9421 - 9/4/1921 - 8/13/2000

    A lot of people know that I've dedicated my 9/11 Research to my Grandfather. I've decided to create this thread so that he is remembered on this board.

    Here is the eulogy I wrote for him... I couldn't read it at the time.

    "On September 4th 1921, my Grandfather was born. On September 4th 1972, I was born. I would like to think that my Grandfather thought of me as his 51st birthday present. There are many times I've shared with Grandpa that I consider to be special, but sharing his birthday every year stands out the most. If someone were to ask me who I consider to be a saint, I would, without hesitation, answer "My Grandfather"¯. I have not known a person that loves more unconditionally than Grandpa; I have not known a person that thinks of others before himself more often than he. Before my brother ******'s Bar Mitzvah, Grandpa was getting sick. He knew this, but refused to tell anyone because he didn't want the attention to be taken away from my brother. To some, their health would come first, but to Grandpa, seeing everyone proud of my brother, without having to worry about his health, was foremost on his mind.

    As a profession, my grandfather chose to be a salesman. From time to time, he would take me with him on his day, and I could see that he excelled at what he did. I don't think all of his success came from working as hard as he did. I think it primarily came from the fact that he had such a way with people, and there isn't a person on earth that has met my Grandfather, and has a bad thing to say about him. This, in turn, made sales easy to him.

    From the time I could speak, until this day, I have always had an inquisitive nature. As a boy, I would always ask the question "How come?"¯ How come the sky is blue? How come birds fly? How come I'm a boy? Grandpa was always there to answer my questions, silly or not.

    There are many things I will miss about him. The birthdays, the Grandpa greetings on the telephone, such as, "Hello Mr. Jonathan!"¯ to playing Blackjack after Passover sedar. I am honored to say that I had ****** Gold as my Grandfather. There's a saying that I heard recently that I think applies to him, and it goes like this: "Anybody can be a grandfather, but it takes a very special person to be a Grandpa"¯. I love him as much as I could love anyone or anything, and he will be remembered forever."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    goldap Guest
    This is as nice today as the day you wrote it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goldap
    This is as nice today as the day you wrote it.
    Thank you...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    WhiteGuySaysThis Guest
    I have known you now for about 6 months now and I like to think that we have gotten to know one another pretty well. When I first talked to you, you had an avatar dedicated to your Grandfather. I respect you very much for having the "passion" that you possess. You have spoken with much love about your Grandfather in our AIM convo's and threads that I have read. I wish your Grandfather was here to share his views and opinions with us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteguysaysthis
    I have known you now for about 6 months now and I like to think that we have gotten to know one another pretty well. When I first talked to you, you had an avatar dedicated to your Grandfather. I respect you very much for having the "passion" that you possess. You have spoken with much love about your Grandfather in our AIM convo's and threads that I have read. I wish your Grandfather was here to share his views and opinions with us.
    Thank you for that...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    princesskittypoo Guest
    that's beautiful *hugs*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by princesskittypoo
    that's beautiful *hugs*
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    Giggles Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteguysaysthis
    I have known you now for about 6 months now and I like to think that we have gotten to know one another pretty well. When I first talked to you, you had an avatar dedicated to your Grandfather. I respect you very much for having the "passion" that you possess. You have spoken with much love about your Grandfather in our AIM convo's and threads that I have read. I wish your Grandfather was here to share his views and opinions with us.
    From what Dennis tells me your grandfather was a great man. I have known you for such a short time, but I know that you are fantastic man. (hug and kiss on cheek)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Giggles
    From what Dennis tells me your grandfather was a great man. I have known you for such a short time, but I know that you are fantastic man. (hug and kiss on cheek)
    Thanks sweety...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    My Grandfather used to say to me, "So... how much is the tea in China?" He would say that as if to say, "So what's going on in the world?". Back when he was around, I'd always answer, "I dunno". I wish he was around to ask that now.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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