Tonight, At 7pm EST On CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight


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Tonight, At 7pm EST On CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight

NY Senate Candidate and Author of "9/11: The Big Wedding" Sander Hicks, and actor Ed Asner

This has been confirmed.

Sander sent me an email with his Talking Points for tonight. I'm not going to post them, but they dealt primarily with Whistleblowers, etc...

I just sent Sander this letter...

Sander... I have done a lot of work regarding Sibel... there are three quotes I want you to use if you can... she confirmed them personally...

"once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

"There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

"The American Public Have Not Heard Who Is The Real Culprit Behind 9/11"

The last quote was from an Alex Jones interview she recently gave...

I think it's imperative that you somehow say these on TV... great work Sander... and thank you.

ok ok i see it now... lol

im loving this cnn shit!!! HAHAH!!!
I just talked to Sander on the phone, and they said they cancelled the show because they couldn't find anyone to debate them.
Just so you don't think I'm cuckoo... here's what it said on their site.

for anyone thats interested, i was listeing to this radio show today, and they happened to start talking about Charlie Sheen and 9/11. they started off very negative and typical, but as time went by and a few callers called in with some truth, they started to sway a little bit. the guy Barsky who runs the show is basically a pretty open minded guy(he stated how he was convinced the CIA killed JFK, so that proves hes not completely blind) anyway, Loose Change was mentioned various times, and Barsky said he was open to watching some documentaries on 9/11 if people sent them in. the guy gets pretty good ratings, so i suggest we flood his e-mail with 9/11 related topics to get him to talk some more about it on another show. he most likely will if he gets enough heat. anyway, send the guy some links or something:
Does this mean 9/11 is a few steps closer to being blown open?
yeah Jon, he was, but like i said, he started off very typical, he even said "Charlie Sheen should stick to 2 things he knows well: coke and hookers". but as the show went on and a few well informed callers made some good points, he started to back off of the slanderous shit and said he wanted people to send him some DVDs. click the link and drop him a line or some links. the more people contact him, the better. like i said, Barsky seems to be pretty open minded and his show is really spur of the moment, hence him talking 9/11 for about 40 minutes today.
Chris said:
yeah Jon, he was, but like i said, he started off very typical, he even said "Charlie Sheen should stick to 2 things he knows well: coke and hookers". but as the show went on and a few well informed callers made some good points, he started to back off of the slanderous shit and said he wanted people to send him some DVDs. click the link and drop him a line or some links. the more people contact him, the better. like i said, Barsky seems to be pretty open minded and his show is really spur of the moment, hence him talking 9/11 for about 40 minutes today.

I'll go to the studio.
You don't have to... he's not going to be on. He didn't even mention the cancellation. Not a word.