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Thread: A Fallen Hero - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    A Fallen Hero - Video Inside


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    January 7, 2006 -- A police detective has died from lung disease, which the NYPD believes he contracted while working at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks.

    The tragedy makes James Zadroga, 34, the first rescue worker to die from illness attributed to the Ground Zero rubble, a police spokesperson said yesterday.

    The Manhattan homicide detective retired in 2004 because of his disability. He died at his family's Jersey home yesterday.

    "He was a hero, he disregarded his own health and life to rescue people at Ground Zero," said Michael Palladino, head of the Detectives' Endowment Association.

    Zadroga, whose wife died two years ago from cancer at age 29, was in 7 World Trade Center when it started to collapse. He spent another 470 hours in the soot-filled wreckage.

    One month after he returned to the Manhattan South precinct, Zadroga fell ill. Within two years, he developed "black lung disease," police said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    This is a horrible shame. It literally brings tears to my eyes. We all remember watching these people on our television sets working tirelessly to find survivors. How dare the media ignore a story like this?

    I wonder if the media's silence has anything to do with the fact that the EPA and the Bush Administration have a history of manipulating information about the environment to suit policy needs.

    In February 2005, "Speakers at the national meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science expressed concern Sunday that some scientists in key federal agencies are being ignored or even pressured to change study conclusions that don't support policy positions." Their concerns are well-founded. In June 2005, The New York Times reported that Philip A. Cooney, "removed or adjusted descriptions of climate research that government scientists and their supervisors, including some senior Bush administration officials, had already approved" so as to play down emissions' links to Global Warming. Mr. Cooney served as chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Now, however, he serves Exxon.

    In July 2005, the EPA purposefully held back incriminating reports about our fuel economy so an Energy Bill that served not the people, but the corporations, would pass. As quoted by CBS News, the energy bill "sends billions of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies to energy companies, but is expected to do little to reduce U.S. oil consumption or dampen high energy prices." The EPA's report stated, "loopholes in American fuel economy regulations have allowed automakers to produce cars and trucks that are significantly less fuel-efficient, on average than they were in the late 1980's." No wonder they didn't want it to be known. We've done nothing to become more fuel-efficient, and in fact, have gone backwards. Now, as a result, we've passed an energy bill that helps us not at all.

    In August 2003, CBS News reported that "White House officials pressured the agency to prematurely assure the public that the air was safe to breathe a week after the World Trade Center collapse". Why would they do such a thing? Now, as a result, 9/11 firefighters are suffering from long-term lung damage, and now, sadly, a 9/11 Hero has died.

    Unfortunately, the deceit does not end with 9/11. Hugh Kaufmann, a Senior Policy Analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, said that in regards to Katrina, "that a government cover-up is taking place right now, as we speak, to hide information about the dangerous toxins in the flood waters of the Gulf Coast region." Hugh Kaufmann was also the chief investigator for the 9/11 clean-up. He says, "that the Bush administration engaged in the same practice after 9/11—covering up the truth about the dangers in the air and water and lying to the public in the weeks after the disaster."

    The sad thing is, there are people within our Government who are aware of what's going on with the EPA and the Bush Administration, and have done little to nothing about it. In October 2005, the Associated Press reported that "The Bush administration was accused Thursday by senators in both parties of minimizing health hazards from the toxic soup left by Hurricane Katrina, just as they said it did with air pollution in New York from the Sept. 11 attacks." In December 2005, the Associated Press also reported Congress Researchers, "say the Environmental Protection Agency skewed its analysis of air pollution legislation to favor President Bush's plan". Hillary Clinton and Jerrold Nadler of New York , "had criticized past EPA testing efforts and demanded more thorough scientific work.", and now as a result, the Environmental Protection Agency has developed a new, "plan for testing any dust that may remain in private homes and commercial space from the collapse of the World Trade Center more than four years ago." Lawmakers even addressed it as being "too little, too late", and I'm sure Hillary is thinking about 2006, and possibly 2008 (Heaven forbid).

    It's a damn shame the media isn't covering the death of a 9/11 Hero. Maybe it would open up people's minds to what's going on. I guess that's not what the "Powers That Be" want.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    somebigguy Guest
    He may be a hero, but there are many heroes out there that saw/heard/felt explosions that day who are not speaking up. That makes them accessories after the fact.

    New York Terrorism Hotline: 1-866-Safe-NYS

    Speak up if you see any suspicious activities, such as fixing elections, fixing the facts to justify war in Iraq, flying planes into and demolishing buildings in New York, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Well... this hero died. Today is his day.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "was in 7 World Trade Center when it started to collapse"

    "when Mr. Silverstein was recounting these events for a television documentary he stated, “I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it.” Mr. McQuillan has stated that by “it,” Mr. Silverstein meant the contingent of firefighters remaining in the building."

    How could she be in WTC7 when it collapsed if Silverstein "pulled" everyone out?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
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    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Here's an interview with Hugh Kaufmann... I don't know with who...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodbye to dad poisoned by 9/11


    Motorcycle cops salute as hearse carrying Zadroga’s body passes yesterday on its way to Holy Cross Cemetery in Arlington, N.J.

    As bugler plays taps, NYPD Detective James Zadroga's coffin is carried from Queen of Peace Catholic Church in North Arlington, N.J.

    Tragedy had taken the 4-year-old girl's parents from her, first her mother two years ago, and now her father.

    As Tylerann Zadroga sat for another funeral yesterday, loved ones reassured her that her dad, former NYPD Detective James Zadroga, died a hero - poisoned as he helped clean up the burning ruins of the World Trade Center.

    "My granddaughter has accepted the fact her dad died," said the detective's father, Joseph Zadroga, a retired North Arlington, N.J., police chief. "We told her he died a hero."

    While an autopsy is still pending on 34-year-old Zadroga's official cause of death, the NYPD did award him a tax-free disability pension of three-quarters pay in July 2004. Zadroga's mother, Linda Zadroga, said her son, who developed the infamous World Trade Center cough, was diagnosed by doctors as having black lung disease.

    Zadroga, who logged nearly 500 hours during the recovery effort at Ground Zero, died last Thursday.

    After the service at Queen of Peace Catholic Church in North Arlington, Zadroga's parents said his death should serve as a wakeup call to first responders who toiled along the smoky pile of death and destruction.

    "My son had a gallium scan and it showed he had glass and people's bones in his lungs," said his heartbroken mother.

    She urged recovery workers to get a gallium scan, an exhaustive test that uses a special camera to take pictures of specific tissues in the body.

    "We want to help these other people," she added.

    Zadroga's wife, Ronda, 29, died two years ago from a stress-related illness, said family members.

    Tylerann is being raised by James Zadroga's parents, who now live in Little Egg Harbor, N.J.

    Mike Palladino, president of the Detectives' Endowment Association, said Zadroga's death is the first post-9/11 death of a city worker who was exposed to the hazardous material at Ground Zero.

    The Environmental Protection Agency, which urged workers to use respirators at Ground Zero, did find elevated levels of pollutants on the pile at Ground Zero, as fires burned for months after the 9/11 attacks.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "The Environmental Protection Agency, which urged workers to use respirators at Ground Zero, did find elevated levels of pollutants on the pile at Ground Zero, as fires burned for months after the 9/11 attacks."

    By saying the air was ok to breathe, how is that urging workers to use respirators?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Growing Concern About Respiratory Disease from 9/11

    Jan 13, 2006 4:19 pm US/Eastern

    (1010 WINS) (NEW YORK) Three men who responded to the World Trade Center on September 11th have died over the last seven months of what their families and colleagues say are respiratory illnesses directly caused by their work at ground zero.

    Robin Herbert, who directs a medical-monitoring program at Mount Sinai Medical Center for more than 14,000 ground zero workers, said it's not inconceivable that a person could die of respiratory disease related to September 11th.

    Police Officer James Zadroga spent 16 hours a day toiling in the World Trade Center ruins for a month, breathing in the toxic air. Emergency Medical Technician Timothy Keller said he coughed up bits of gravel from his lungs after the towers fell. And EMT Felix Hernandez spent days at the site searching for victims.

    Donald Faeth, an emergency medical technician and union officer, says he thinks that several rescue workers "died that day and didn't realize that they died that day.''

    He added that both Keller and Hernandez, each with a decade on the job, were nonsmokers and had no previous health problems before September 11th.

    Doctors running different health screening programs say it will take decades to get a clear picture of the long-term health effects of working at ground zero.

    The city department of Health and Mental Hygiene, which is tracking the health of 71,000 people exposed to September 11th dust and debris, said it's too soon to say whether any deaths among its enrolled members are linked to trade center exposure.

    David Worby, an attorney representing more than 5-thousand people who are suing those who supervised the 9/11 cleanup over their illnesses, said 21 of his clients have died of September 11th-related diseases since the middle of 2004.

    He's not authorized to release their names, but said he represented people who toiled at ground zero, at the Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island where trade center debris was moved, and at the city morgue.

    Worby called it "just the tip of the iceberg.'' He predicted that "many, many more people are going to die from the aftermath of the toxicity.''

    Congressman Jerry Nadler, whose district includes the trade center site, blames some of the illnesses on the failure to provide some workers with proper masks or respiratory protection. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found in 2004 that only one in five workers wore respirators to block out the dust laced with asbestos, glass fibers, pulverized cement and other chemicals.

    Nadler said all the people exposed should be monitored for life.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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