Take a look:
I kind of like one of the interviews on the page that clearly shows the extreme heat and fire that caused the collapses. Here's a few excerpts from the interview:
The whole story can be found here:
I kind of like one of the interviews on the page that clearly shows the extreme heat and fire that caused the collapses. Here's a few excerpts from the interview:
ALLEN: Could you feel as you descended heat coming down on you?
LESCE: No heat. … Just water, and that's all there was. …We'd go down maybe five or six stairs, stories, and then it'd be absolutely dry. And we'd go down some more and then there was a shift from stairway A to B as things got congested.
When I stepped out into the plaza, there was nobody. It was like the last man on earth. Except for about four inches of white soot, looked like snow.
The whole story can be found here: