Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox Interviews D.C. Arrestees - Audio Inside


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Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox Interviews D.C. Arrestees


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This Sunday (April 4th) Cindy welcomes three friends who were "guests" of our Gubbermint for 50 chilling hours during the opening of Camp Out in protest of our ever-surging Nobel Peace Prize Lauriate's addiction to: - to surging, (thereby killing lots of our soldiers, along with innocent Af-Pak civilians.) This week's show is about criminalization of protest and dissent. Cindy's guests are three Gubbermint "guests" who got arrested with her on March 20th: Elaine Brower, Jon Gold, and Matthis Chiroux. Elaine is with the World Can't Wait (WCW) and Military Families Speak Out (MFSO). Jon is an active 9/11 Truther, from way back. Matthis is an active war resister and member of Iraq Veterans Against the the War (IVAW). All three thought that D.C. officialdom this time was starting to get much nastier in repressing dissent than "back in the good ole days" - but all felt they had clearly done the right thing, and they all were happy for having made that choice. So hey, boyz and grrls, please listen in for our show.