After watching 9/11: Press For Truth...
I am in no means an educated man, or claim to be smarter then the next guy. I have my opinions, and beliefs, and in my mind I went to the university of 9/11. I now have a 5 year degree in swallowing government lies, neglect and denial. But after a few days and many hours of reading Jon Gold's work, watching documentary's and reading just about every story on 911, I have come to the conclusion, that there is much more I need to know and do, to better serve the 9/11 community. My eyes have been opened to things I never thought of, or for that matter wanted to entertain in my mind. I can only thank those who put that web site together, and making me look at the big picture. As an advocate my anger is bottled, and channeled to help 9/11 responders, as a first responder my frustration, and pain helps me help others effected by 9/11,a nd as the founder of a foundation my sadness for all that has suffered, reminds me everyday that this whole thing could have been prevented. But greed, corruption, lies, the lack of compassion for human life, and the fact that our president has the I.Q. of a soap dish, really makes me want to cry. And speaking of crying at least once a day I cry knowing more heroes will die because of a government not fit to lead or protect. As a kid we all made a Christmas list for Santa, well that kid in me has come out, and I want to share my list with you all.............Dear Santa, please impeach George Bush for crimes against humanity, please throw Mrs. Whitman and Rice in jail and pump the same 9/11 air into their cell, so they can feel what we are going through, and Santa while you're at it, please have someone in congress or the senate grow a set of Abe Lincoln's and make them apologize in every language for every responder, victim,survivor, and family member who represent the so many different cultures effected by that devastating day five years ago. And Santa, one last wish... Please stop the suffering and pain of all 9/11 responders, its been 5 years now,don't you think we suffered enough? Merry Christmas.
John Feal, advocate, 9/11 responder
President of The Fealgood Foundation