My Best Experiences In The 9/11 Truth Movement

I just sent them this...

You caught me copying and pasting... :) Please forward this along to all of the family members you know. Again... I don't know if you know who I am or not, but one of the ways I've helped has been to post information on the internet. In order to get information back on the top of the page, you sometimes have to do what's commonly known as "bumping". People post the word "bump", and the page goes to the top of the "list". Anyway, I used to post, "For The Families" for my bump.

Thanks again,

Jon Gold
Someone just sent me this... in regards to 9/11: Press For Truth

I finally got my copy today and I just finished watching it. Even after everything I've learned about 9/11 (including almost all of the facts in the film), I am pretty shaken up right now. I thought that I had gotten a little immune to all the research. I was wrong.

This film is the key to everything right now. It will turn people around like no other film can. Enough of the bickering, this film needs to be on every single congress person's door step.

We might have to wait for the full effects of this film to go into action until after Nov. 7th, but we need to keep pressing hard.

Let's finish this thing.
I'll never make it through that movie without losin it.... and I hate to lose it. But at the same time I can't WAIT to read it. I've been really feelin this shit for the last few wekks...
thumper said:
watch what?
We're talkin about press for truth, which I haven't seen yet. But this thread, the letter that Jon sent to that woman, =made me lose it. Bad. I've been avoidin the more hard hitting videos lately.
Written in response to this...

To whom it may concern............First I like to wish you all the warmest holiday greetings,and can only hope and pray that my fellow 9/11 responders find peace and happiness during this the season. I also wish to thank Jon Gold on his more than accurate story. I know I speak for the dozens and dozens of responders that I have helped, when I say thank you. Mr Gold has set the example and bar high for others to follow, and I implore others to follow this man and his dedication and compassion in telling our story. We at the FealGood Foundation, and all 9/11 responders, need more people like Jon Gold to join us, stand beside us, and fight for us, so no more 9/11 responders, heroes, and the innocent people of Manhattan have to suffer anymore. The lies, corruption, denial, and very bad politics has caused human life to suffer and we must show our government we will not sit down, lay down and shut up anymore. Let Mr Gold and the few others who have been there from the beginning, guide, and support us all while we fight for justice, compensation, treatment, compassion and most of all respect. Any man who has done what this man has done, is a friend, and most of all a hero and someone we can all learn something from. I wish you all Merry Christmas, happy holiday's and god bless.

John Feal
9/11 Responder/advocate/founder - President of the FealGood Foundation

This ties Lorie Van Auken.
After watching 9/11: Press For Truth...

I am in no means an educated man, or claim to be smarter then the next guy. I have my opinions, and beliefs, and in my mind I went to the university of 9/11. I now have a 5 year degree in swallowing government lies, neglect and denial. But after a few days and many hours of reading Jon Gold's work, watching documentary's and reading just about every story on 911, I have come to the conclusion, that there is much more I need to know and do, to better serve the 9/11 community. My eyes have been opened to things I never thought of, or for that matter wanted to entertain in my mind. I can only thank those who put that web site together, and making me look at the big picture. As an advocate my anger is bottled, and channeled to help 9/11 responders, as a first responder my frustration, and pain helps me help others effected by 9/11,a nd as the founder of a foundation my sadness for all that has suffered, reminds me everyday that this whole thing could have been prevented. But greed, corruption, lies, the lack of compassion for human life, and the fact that our president has the I.Q. of a soap dish, really makes me want to cry. And speaking of crying at least once a day I cry knowing more heroes will die because of a government not fit to lead or protect. As a kid we all made a Christmas list for Santa, well that kid in me has come out, and I want to share my list with you all.............Dear Santa, please impeach George Bush for crimes against humanity, please throw Mrs. Whitman and Rice in jail and pump the same 9/11 air into their cell, so they can feel what we are going through, and Santa while you're at it, please have someone in congress or the senate grow a set of Abe Lincoln's and make them apologize in every language for every responder, victim,survivor, and family member who represent the so many different cultures effected by that devastating day five years ago. And Santa, one last wish... Please stop the suffering and pain of all 9/11 responders, its been 5 years now,don't you think we suffered enough? Merry Christmas.

John Feal, advocate, 9/11 responder
President of The Fealgood Foundation
This morning around 10am, I called Rep. Waxman's office. I gave my schtick about why Sibel should be allowed to speak, and asked, "Have you gotten many of these phone calls today?", and the response was, "1000's just today." That was at 10am!!! I told Sibel, and she said, "Now I call that really good news; thank you so very much for the feedback. I didn't know that."
From someone at work who I was telling about the accusations of me being an infiltrator. She wrote this.

Jon Gold is an amazing person. I have worked with him for almost 3 years now and can speak about his dedication to the 9/11 movement. He knows his facts. He’s spent incalculable hours doing research on every aspect you could imagine about that awful day. I was one who believed everything I was told by the media and my government and never questioned anything until Jon and I got into a discussion one day about 9/11. In his way, by asking questions of me and by providing me with indisputable facts he’s opened my eyes.

I have seen the 9/11 movement gain strength and support in some part due to Jon’s seemingly inexhaustible energy to uncover the truth and find some small piece of justice for the families of 9/11. He’s done radio and newspaper interviews, attended rallies and met with some family members of 9/11 victims. Jon had a fund-raiser with all monies donated to the FealGood Foundation and GearUp Foundation, organizations dedicated to helping first responders; Jon hand-delivered the checks in New York.

I read everything that Jon writes and sometimes I am moved to tears. And Jon ends everything with his motto: “We will NEVER forget.”
Home: 631 724 3320
Cell: 516 901 7427
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Fed tax ID#20-5187809
Founder John Feal
9/11 Responder

Jon Gold. I am writing this letter on official FGF stationary for all to see. Your tireless dedication to the 9/11 movement at both spectrums (truth&responders) is matched by no other. You have truly set the bar high for others to follow and emulate. I am proud to call you friend and brother. Most of us do good deeds all the time and it goes unnoticed by the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. But let it be known your acts of compassion is truly the work of an angel. Anyone who can disregard you as an important person or point fingers at you for being un-American is clearly a jealous person or group who has no idea of the help you can direct from that cubical at work or computer at home. My friend, a hug or a handshake is not good enough for your actions. So we at the FGF send you a million thank you's and to let you know we will always be there for you. God bless you Jon Gold & your family.


John E. Feal Covers 9/11 First Responder Vito Valenti
Big thanks to

Click Here (Video Google)

This is a video of Vito Valenti recently made by Sak from Because of the fund-raising we've done, and the help we are giving Vito, and the FealGood Foundation, this video is dedicated to the 9/11 Truth Movement.

There are no words to describe how this made me feel, except to say that it made me cry. A big thank you to, John Feal, the FealGood Foundation, and to Vito Valenti.