The 9/11 Omission Hearings - Complete Videos Inside

Batista650 said:
yes, but the iran/contra was discoverd and made big news, not even area 51 can be held a secret. bush's plans to invade iraq in the days after 9/11 and after his inaguration are well known now. how could his ties to bin laden and 9/11 be this secret where it hasnt leaked and an al-qaeda dude never posted that info online,

Planning to invade Iraq after 9/11 is a lot different than planning to invade Iraq after his first inauguration. Paul O'Neil left for exactly that reason. He said it was "all about finding a way to do it".
If he were to have planned for invading Iraq after 9/11, that may have made sense. If, of course, Saddam had weapons of Mass Destruction, which of course, as we all know, he didn't.
i guess the only thing that can convinc me of this link is the what attacked the pentagon. that video shown online about how a 747 couldnt of hit the pentagon is very convicing. what are your htought on that ?
i meant it is clear that bush wanted to invade iraq before 9/11
Batista650 said:
i guess the only thing that can convinc me of this link is the what attacked the pentagon. that video shown online about how a 747 couldnt of hit the pentagon is very convicing. what are your htought on that ?

I know for a fact that it was a 757 that hit the Pentagon. I met Lt. Col. Karen Kwiotowski in Washington D.C. She is a "whistleblower". She's coming out against the Government for the manipulation done within the Pentagon for creating the intelligence necessary for the Iraq War. The "right" intelligence. She was at the Pentagon on 9/11... she saw the plane, and saw her friends die.... she cries to this day talking about it.

Also, John Judge, co-founder of knows a stewardess who flew that route. She examined the wreckage, and saw upholstery she recoginized, windows, bodies, etc...
did you see the video i'm talking about where it says that the fbi confiscated store videos from near by buidling that would have shown the pentagon being hit right after it happened and they were never released. it also talked about how people saw a small plane, and they showed the reckage and how a 747 could not have fit, and quoted people as saying that there was no plane recage and even showed pics of it. even howard stern acknolaged that video
Batista650 said:
did you see the video i'm talking about where it says that the fbi confiscated store videos from near by buidling that would have shown the pentagon being hit right after it happened and they were never released. it also talked about how people saw a small plane, and they showed the reckage and how a 747 could not have fit, and quoted people as saying that there was no plane recage and even showed pics of it. even howard stern acknolaged that video

Yep... I know all about it... I also know of a witness who saw "Muslim Men" in the cockpit of the airplane that hit. There's a movie I'd love to show you, but I have to find it... brb.
Gold9472 said:
This movie clearly shows that the possibility exists that the plane disintegrated on impact

Click Here
Hey Gold, that's a small jet flying at 800 MPH hitting a wall dead center. The pentagon hit was a passenger jet supposedly flying a few feet above the ground at 400 MPH??? on a 45 degree angle. This video is not an adequate comparison.

Some witness accounts mention one plane, others mention two. Some mention a big plane other mention a small one. Then some mention it was loud, others mention it was silent.

Basically all we can gather from these reports is that at least one plane was there. So, we have to look at the physical evidence. If you look at the facade of the building after the smoke clears, its pretty obvious no passenger jet hit it. Then when you consider the fact that the jet disappeared from radar in West Virginia, it couldn't possibly have been the jet in question.
somebigguy said:
Hey Gold, that's a small jet flying at 800 MPH hitting a wall dead center. The pentagon hit was a passenger jet supposedly flying a few feet above the ground at 400 MPH??? on a 45 degree angle. This video is not an adequate comparison.

Some witness accounts mention one plane, others mention two. Some mention a big plane other mention a small one. Then some mention it was loud, others mention it was silent.

Basically all we can gather from these reports is that at least one plane was there. So, we have to look at the physical evidence. If you look at the facade of the building after the smoke clears, its pretty obvious no passenger jet hit it. Then when you consider the fact that the jet disappeared from radar in West Virginia, it couldn't possibly have been the jet in question.

I refer you to this thread...

Click Here
somebigguy said:
You brought it up, I'm simply disagreeing with you. Discuss the Why in the other thread, and discuss the How here.

The only thing I have seen solid proof of is the fact that those planes may have been flown by remote control. As far as switching planes, and fitting a 757 with a missle, etc.. I don't buy it. There has been reports that a lot of doctoring took place in that movie.
Gold9472 said:
The only thing I have seen solid proof of is the fact that those planes may have been flown by remote control. As far as switching planes, and fitting a 757 with a missle, etc.. I don't buy it. There has been reports that a lot of doctoring took place in that movie.
There's nothing being doctored on those clips. You can see the same videos on CNN. Any attempts at discrediting them is the work of disinfo agents.
somebigguy said:
There's nothing being doctored on those clips. You can see the same videos on CNN. Any attempts at discrediting them is the work of disinfo agents.

Hey, you know me... I'm no disinfo guy... I tell it like it is... and when people like Eric Hufschmid tell me that he heard that parts of the film were doctored, then I have to take it at face value...
Gold9472 said:
Hey, you know me... I'm no disinfo guy... I tell it like it is... and when people like Eric Hufschmid tell me that he heard that parts of the film were doctored, then I have to take it at face value...
Hey Gold, I wasn't calling you a disinfo guy. It seems the Lets Roll guys are under attack by disinfo agents. If Hufschmid is saying something was doctored, I'd like to see it. I have read everything I could find on this subject and looked at all the videos and have never seen anything that didn't jive with what those guys were saying.

I still do searches on file sharing networks etc on this subject looking for videos and download and watch them. It's usually the same things, but every now and then I find something new.
somebigguy said:
Hey Gold, I wasn't calling you a disinfo guy. It seems the Lets Roll guys are under attack by disinfo agents. If Hufschmid is saying something was doctored, I'd like to see it. I have read everything I could find on this subject and looked at all the videos and have never seen anything that didn't jive with what those guys were saying.

I still do searches on file sharing networks etc on this subject looking for videos and download and watch them. It's usually the same things, but every now and then I find something new.

Look.. the idea that someone is making money off of the secrecy behind 9/11 is no surprise... That's what is about from what I've heard. What books have you read if you don't mind me asking?
Gold9472 said:
Look.. the idea that someone is making money off of the secrecy behind 9/11 is no surprise... That's what is about from what I've heard. What books have you read if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah, but isn't everyone making money off of 9/11? Ruppert, Hufshmidt, Alex Jones all charge for their materials don't they? The In Plane Site video is not copywritten, it can be distributed freely. They ask for a donation of 20 dollars on the website and they'll send you a copy.

These people have to stay afloat somehow. Investigations cost money. The gov't isn't funding any 9/11 research.
somebigguy said:
Yeah, but isn't everyone making money off of 9/11? Ruppert, Hufshmidt, Alex Jones all charge for their materials don't they? The In Plane Site video is not copywritten, it can be distributed freely. They ask for a donation of 20 dollars on the website and they'll send you a copy.

These people have to stay afloat somehow. Investigations cost money. The gov't isn't funding any 9/11 research.

I know... but making money to support your cause, and using the cause to make money are two different things... that's all... SBG.. you wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stuff that I've read... some of the movies I've seen... things that would make you say, HOLY SHIT, but you also have to learn to cipher through what's credible and what's not... you know the guys who made that movie, don't you? Why not ask them to come here, and debate the subject... I'll get Eric, etc...
Gold9472 said:
I know... but making money to support your cause, and using the cause to make money are two different things... that's all... SBG.. you wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stuff that I've read... some of the movies I've seen... things that would make you say, HOLY SHIT, but you also have to learn to cipher through what's credible and what's not... you know the guys who made that movie, don't you? Why not ask them to come here, and debate the subject... I'll get Eric, etc...
Well, I don't know how much money anyones been making, but I doubt anyone's getting rich off of it. I noticed in Fahrenheit 9/11 that big companies like Micro$oft were lining up to make money off the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Those are the real pricks.

I do know how to cipher through what's real and what isn't. As I've said, I have looked at videos from numerous sources and they all show the same things. That's why I'm confident enough to tell people to go watch their video tapes from that day and they'll say the same thing.

I don't know those guys, I was in contact with the Lets Roll guys once but that's it. I can go to their forums and mention this board.
somebigguy said:
Well, I don't know how much money anyones been making, but I doubt anyone's getting rich off of it. I noticed in Fahrenheit 9/11 that big companies like Micro$oft were lining up to make money off the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Those are the real pricks.

I do know how to cipher through what's real and what isn't. As I've said, I have looked at videos from numerous sources and they all show the same things. That's why I'm confident enough to tell people to go watch their video tapes from that day and they'll say the same thing.

I don't know those guys, I was in contact with the Lets Roll guys once but that's it. I can go to their forums and mention this board.

Ok... whoever wants to come and chat is fine. I thought Christopher was from that bunch wasn't he?