The 9/11 Omission Hearings - Complete Videos Inside

The light as well as the bulge on the lower right part of the plane near the wing.
To me... I don't see anything... to me... that's one of those images that could be anything, and people make up stories, etc... like the lochness monster, or bigfoot... people capture "glimpses" of stuff, and go from there... I honestly don't see the "bulge". :(
Gold9472 said:
To me... I don't see anything... to me... that's one of those images that could be anything, and people make up stories, etc... like the lochness monster, or bigfoot... people capture "glimpses" of stuff, and go from there... I honestly don't see the "bulge". :(
Yeah, but it's visible from three different angles, the flash too. The first attack had the same flash right before impact.
This thread is about 9-11 and accountability at the highest levels, thousands of lives, you are a miscreant with your unwillingness to acknowledge the veracity of raw information. Here is what the tower cores looked like. I've made this crude diagram to show the interior tubes of the "tube in a tube" design


How can this OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE leave this shape


without huge vertical columns sticking out of the top bent and broken?

FEMA lies, why? What can it mean?
Christopher, it's not that I don't acknowledge the mysteries surrounding the collapse, or the fact that those planes were probably flown by remote control. It's just not something that I can prove...
Christopher said:
This thread is about 9-11 and accountability at the highest levels, thousands of lives, you are a miscreant with your unwillingness to acknowledge the veracity of raw information. Here is what the tower cores looked like. I've made this crude diagram to show the interior tubes of the "tube in a tube" design


How can this OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE leave this shape


without huge vertical columns sticking out of the top bent and broken?

FEMA lies, why? What can it mean?

[font=&quot]Excellent way to garner support to your cause Christopher. Calling others 'miscreants' simply diminishes your credibility. I am not a 9/11 person, but Gold has a good point. Why not spend your time focusing on the 'Why' as opposed to the ‘How’? The crime scene is gone, and all you have is pictures left; pictures, mind you, which can be looked at 1000 different ways.[/font]
Se7en said:
[font=&quot]Excellent way to garner support to your cause Christopher. Calling others 'miscreants' simply diminishes your credibility. I am not a 9/11 person, but Gold has a good point. Why not spend your time focusing on the 'Why' as opposed to the ‘How’? The crime scene is gone, and all you have is pictures left; pictures, mind you, which can be looked at 1000 different ways.[/font]
I don't condone name calling, however, the physical evidence shouldn't be ignored. The why has already been proven thanks to Ruppert and others. We still need to know how. The pictures can be looked at 1000 different ways, however, when an anomaly shows up in three different angles you end up with physical evidence, not shadows or camera angles.

The In Plane Site guys have opened a lot of eyes because of their attention to the physical evidence.
Se7en said:
[font=&quot]Excellent way to garner support to your cause Christopher. Calling others 'miscreants' simply diminishes your credibility. I am not a 9/11 person, but Gold has a good point. Why not spend your time focusing on the 'Why' as opposed to the ‘How’? The crime scene is gone, and all you have is pictures left; pictures, mind you, which can be looked at 1000 different ways.[/font]

Something is goofy with this board. When I make statements like that I always quote or make sure my post is the next. I haven't even found the troll I was responding to, so the post is tampered with.

Gold9472 said:
Christopher, it's not that I don't acknowledge the mysteries surrounding the collapse, or the fact that those planes were probably flown by remote control. It's just not something that I can prove...

Mysteries is a label that presupposes exact knowledge is not available.

I consider the SAND & GRAVEL to be knowledge directly available and it raises two very big questions.

1. Where did the double volume come from? In construction/demo terms this is a huge mystery if the building was constructed as the OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE shows. However, if it were constructed with a concrete core as I know it was from watching a documentary made from 16mm film shot by the architects and contractors of the towers, the volume is explained. Also the towers official design shows that the only concrete above the foundation was lightweight concrete, unless the SECOND OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE ???????? is correct then an unknown type of concrete was present. Now this is a mystery. Why 2 cores? Somebody can't get their story straight? Can we notice?

What is present matches exactly what I would expect as I know the towers had concrete cores.

Then photos of remnants of the towers are not mysterious. In them are seen obvious structural elements, massive in size and strength. The character and nature of those is obvious to people having experience with the materials and techniques of construction used with them.

The OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE WILL leave massive vertical columns protruding upward. The absence of those in this photo of the WTC 2 CORE after the steel has fallen away from the concrete inner tube, proves the concrete core, it shows it. It establishes quite strongly on its own that the official structure is a lie contrived to explain what was a demolition as a collapse because there are no heavy steel vertical elements pointing upwardly.

Here is a picture of the INTERIOR BOX COLUMNS which establishes what was the inner framework of the outer tube of the "tube in a tube" design. The WTC 2 CORE FALLING shows the exterior framework of the outer tube. The perimeter steel is seen as the tower top falls. The brown grey roof of the concrete core is seen inside the upside down element before falling on WTC 3.

Having accounted for all of the elements that I have so far described, there is one more structural element that is shown that the OFFICIAL TOWER STRUCTURE will not explain. The official structure has only very heavy vertical steel elements whereas the core I saw being built in the video documentary was steel reinforced cast concrete with 3" high tensile steel reinforcing bar, butt welded by specification in a series AT A SLOPING ANGLE reversing on opposite sides to create the strongest possible concrete tube.

I have just proven FEMA intentionally fabricated a deception upon the public wherin 2,800 lost their lives.

That lie shows that the SAND & GRAVEL filling the basement came from a massive concrete tower in a tower.

It is impossible to reduce that concrete to anything but big chunks by the use of high explosives UNLESS the explosive is perfectly placed and distributed. Meaning either as a sheet or a grid which is place in the center of the casting.

Where is steel reinforcing bar located in cast concrete and how is reinforcing bar distributed in concrete, what configuration is it installed with?

I've proven my point with raw evidence and no one has ever come up with a shred of the ame type evidence to contradict this scenario.

I've done the same with mind control but people are generally less informed on that subject which has a social taboo to begin with. Those most spooked by it are generally those influenced by it, they know. Even if that knowing is unconscious, they know.

Curously the knowledge of these dark areas of the past exist in our common racial histories and in the written history to a degree, meaning that the mind control via unconscious hypnosis, somnambulism, aspect is more easily accepted than the C4 coated rebar scenario creating the sand and gravel.

Most reasonable people accept quite easily that we do not know everything about the mind.

I don't talk about "why 9-11" because I know why and it is more fantastic than C4 coated rebar and has exactly the same problems with peoples ability to use existing information in simple inference with uniformity proportional to need.

The demolition is certain, by what the images show, the scenario I've defined is the only possible explanation.

Now ................. here's a mystery for you Jon.

"Why won't anyone at Let's Roll support a contest for the best over all explanation for some comprehensive scenario of 9-11?"

Planes, I generally don't talk about planes, here is why. boeing 757's and '67's are hydraulic over hydraulic controls and the pilot has a complete override. Retro fitting to remote is not at all simple or easy. Remote flights into towers mean bumble plane activity to swap out the commercial airliners. Much more chance of something going wrong. I do believe that 77 was bumbled out and a supersonic cruise missile was tested on the pentagon which is how the passengers of 77 are still alive.

Pilots do report that in simulators they could not complete the last turn of flight 175. My appraisal is that empty jetliner flights by powerful governments supporting terrorism can be used to train people to do things with airliners US pilots do not ever do.

Planes are red herrings, we don't know a lot about the flights, we can't find out about them. We depend on official accountability for everything.

With the towers, it is different.
Christophera said:
Something is goofy with this board. When I make statements like that I always quote or make sure my post is the next. I haven't even found the troll I was responding to, so the post is tampered with.

You think the CIA tampered with your post?
Well .......... government money developed the internet and it wouldn't be provided to us unless it could be controlled somewhat. I do not see the troll crap I was responding to so something has happened.
Gold9472 said:
Here's a picture I made on the night of September 11th, 2001...


Here's a picture I made this past anniversary. What a difference three years makes...

Thank You Gold....While I disagree with you at times. I take that stuff seriously. That is awesome.
Christophera said:
Well .......... government money developed the internet and it wouldn't be provided to us unless it could be controlled somewhat. I do not see the troll crap I was responding to so something has happened.
Hey Christopher...why don't you ever post anywhere or anything but 9/11 ..I'm impressed with your knowledge and passion but ..Who really knows the real you...hang out and talk to us bro. :)
ScottyAH said:
Hey Christopher...why don't you ever post anywhere or anything but 9/11 ..I'm impressed with your knowledge and passion but ..Who really knows the real you...hang out and talk to us bro. :)

Believe me. Very few people who have known me most of my life feel that way. I could hang until hell freezes and you wouldn't know.

Here's how to get to know me. Look at what I've done since 1997.

Our circadian rhythm, an aspect of our unconscious collective make people do things with the numbers 21, 22 & 23, nobody seems to give a shit about this phenomena.

The Indigenous Americans who were the informal leaders of ancient America. There is nothing like this anywhere on the web even though there are thousands of winter solstice shrines around the earth. Nobody gives a shit about this.

Think you know what life is about, got your values straight? Surf my maze, find the "OUTDOOR". About 5 people have made it through in 4 years. Here's a testimonial from one.

6/12/2003 8:44 AM 5*out of 14


I wanted to tell you how I found your site to begin with, as well as share with others the challenge of your Maze. I have never contemplated labyrinths or Mazes as anything I personally wanted to explore. However, my life has seemed much like one lately and that is what drew me here. A search for answers, a seeking of understanding. Life can be challenging and I stepped through the Declarator pages to walk a different journey. It did indeed resemble life's journey. I could see and feel some of the intent was to experience and encourage perservance, dedication, and resolve. Instinct for survival culminated with my knowledge of life, love, and individual need walked with me on my journey. Thankyou again for the experience.

I learned that the water in local creeks was loosing its total dissolved oxygen, the algae all disappeared, frogs gone. I learned nobody gives a shit.

I tries to get the protection of law by using my Constitutional rights. I learned I don't have any and nobody gives a shit.

I came up with solid grass roots strategy for the peace movement or 9-11 movement, I learned nobody gives a shit.

I figure out the towers had concrete cores and how the concrete was turned to sand and gravel, I learned nobody gives a shit.

Actually, I learned they do give a shit, but not enough to do anything or the confusion from media is so bad they don't know which way to move and can't get over it.
gold you know i was listening to these hearings on the radio yesterday....
i was talking to my teacher about it... he had just hear it on the net last night....
911=inside job said:
gold you know i was listening to these hearings on the radio yesterday....
i was talking to my teacher about it... he had just hear it on the net last night....

Really? That's good news.