ScottyAH said:
Hey Christopher...why don't you ever post anywhere or anything but 9/11 ..I'm impressed with your knowledge and passion but ..Who really knows the real you...hang out and talk to us bro.
Believe me. Very few people who have known me most of my life feel that way. I could hang until hell freezes and you wouldn't know.
Here's how to get to know me. Look at what I've done since 1997.
Our circadian rhythm, an aspect of our unconscious collective make people do things with the numbers 21, 22 & 23, nobody seems to give a shit about this phenomena.
The Indigenous Americans who were the informal leaders of ancient America. There is nothing like this anywhere on the web even though there are thousands of winter solstice shrines around the earth. Nobody gives a shit about this.
Think you know what life is about, got your values straight? Surf my maze, find the "OUTDOOR". About 5 people have made it through in 4 years. Here's a testimonial from one.
6/12/2003 8:44 AM 5*out of 14
I wanted to tell you how I found your site to begin with, as well as share with others the challenge of your Maze. I have never contemplated labyrinths or Mazes as anything I personally wanted to explore. However, my life has seemed much like one lately and that is what drew me here. A search for answers, a seeking of understanding. Life can be challenging and I stepped through the Declarator pages to walk a different journey. It did indeed resemble life's journey. I could see and feel some of the intent was to experience and encourage perservance, dedication, and resolve. Instinct for survival culminated with my knowledge of life, love, and individual need walked with me on my journey. Thankyou again for the experience.
I learned that the water in local creeks was loosing its total dissolved oxygen, the algae all disappeared, frogs gone. I learned nobody gives a shit.
I tries to get the protection of law by using my Constitutional rights. I learned I don't have any and nobody gives a shit.
I came up with solid grass roots strategy for the peace movement or 9-11 movement, I learned nobody gives a shit.
I figure out the towers had concrete cores and how the concrete was turned to sand and gravel, I learned nobody gives a shit.
Actually, I learned they do give a shit, but not enough to do anything or the confusion from media is so bad they don't know which way to move and can't get over it.