Cross desecrations prompts Prez reply
by "Mr. Bush"
I'll tell you why!
The recent drop in my polls, email from my Arab countries' friends,
telling me, "What ! You do not dare to talk to a woman?," and all the publicity you are getting, Mom, is why I'm talking to you.
Mom, my PANC friends said we needed a New Pearl Harbor if we wanted to achieve full spectrum dominance, that is rule the world. So with the help of my Saudi connections, and at the urging of my Zionist friends, I took the advice of respected Henry Kissinger, who had said, "military soldiers are dumb animals .. to be used to further the New World Order" and stretched the truth about the weapons of mass destruction previous administrations had given to Sadamn. Unfortunately they were looted in our SHOCK and AWE blitz.They may be coming through the unprotected borders, but that is because we need cheap labor for our corporation buddies.
Israel was threatened after Iran's revolution and needed cheaper oil to relax on the beaches of Tel Aviv, and actually most of my close friends, Cheney and Rumsfield had put together a plan to bomb the WTC back in 1979 while my daddy was V.P
So for many years we tried to influence other
countries to give us their resources by using our good old boy CIAs in black operations to unseat any governments that didn't want us to dominate them. And so as not to take more money from American taxpayers back then we devised a way, in the Iran Contral scandal how to finance our operations through our off shore oil rigs and construction companies through dealing in drugs. No problem there the Jesuit ruled Vatican knows the gangstas and has some nice money laundering Banks here in America, like Bank of America. Daddy has Prescott's Nazi money tied to offshore rigs too.
Well the FBI botched the job back in the first WTC attack, so to go to war for oil and corporation globalization, and to let the Jesuits be happy, by giving them control of the Third temple, the FBI attacked in Oklahoma.Close informants built some of the bombs, and it was going to send a message to Americans, see what the gun lobby has done. Sure they told their own not to go to work that morning, and a judge who didn't send his kids to day care. And they used Melvin Latimore again there too. Later Patrick Briley's testimony was ignored by the Senate Commission as they'd been told. Just like Michael Ruppert's testimony was not wanted at my businessmen's commission of 911.
Oh yea, Melvin Latimore was at 911 too along with other FBI informants who helped out there. Sorry the buildings had to be demolished, Larry Silverstein went a little to far in destroying world trade center building 7, it wasn't even hit by a plane. Those stupid Mossad agents had to get caught videoing and cheering the destruction of the WTC. That's ok because Michael Chertoff had them deported, as he had helped Arab terrorists while he was a lower court lawyer. And my PaNc buddies were real glad when we delivered a missile to the Naval intelligence offices of the Pollard Spy case in the Pentagon. Rumsfield was in control there saying there were no survivors as Carol Valentine has reported.
Of course Ascroff didn't let any of this out! You see we elite of the world work for profit, and my daddy's joint bank account with the Queen is our fund for financing these things.
Mom, you have a right to protest, but it gets ugly, I'll lock you up as a domestic terrorist and all your peace freaks too. With martial law don't worry we've got concentration camps for you, so you might as well tell the youth of America to enlist to fight Cheneys war for Halliburton, that is Iran.
Don't worry, I've ordered bomb shelters outside of our major cities and they'll be warned in time to take shelter and keep driving up the national debt.
Did I say work? Correction
by "Mr. Bush"
My elite lets money and others work for us. Too bad you're screwing up my five weeks vacation.
Lately I let the word out that we may have to lower our expectations in what's happening in Iraq. Seems like they're going to make it a nation under Islam. Yes, our military women have been sweating to death following a rigid dress code over there.
That's ok because I signed an executive order protecting our investments. They can't sue any of our corporations.
I let the word out, because The elections are coming up. The American people are getting a little nervous, that Iraq is a new Vietnam. Don't worry about that. Anybody taking more pictures will be shot in the future.
The real truth I can't talk to you has been is that I don't care. Every year my family goes before the GREAT OWL in Bohemian Grove, and we put on hoods, and participate in the cremation of care. They burn a body to take away our cares. Only our men folk do this because our women are trained to obey their husbands and smile. They're too busy decorating the white house, and my ranch.
When was the last time you every heard my wife talk about the Downing Street memo, or the Rove leak? As for him, he got me elected, along with the funny voting machines, and a few Supreme Court Judges who Dicky took hunting.
Oh yes,I'm the the war president., the Man! Iran is next, and I told you before I was building underground shelters for the city managers, and they'll get warned ahead of time.
Don't you realize this is a Crusade? I said that before, that's why we're using depleted Uranium. Think how we'll reduce the overpopulation of the Arabs. We got the blacks to believe Planned parenthood was not genocide. We are preserving Western Civilization Mom! We are fighting for freedom of the elite to control the masses! God Bless America!