Cindy Sheehan To Speak At The National Press Club


Staff member
Mother of fallen soldier Cindy Sheehan to speak at Nat'l Press Club


From a release issued to RAW STORY. Only members of the media will be allowed into the event, though 'non-accredited' media are invited.

Cindy Sheehan to Speak at National Press Club This Friday

Event to come 3 days after news of the 2000th death of a U.S. soldier in Iraq, and 2 days after Sheehan's arrest at White House in protest of the war (today). Sheehan and others are keeping vigil at the White House all this week between noon and 8 p.m.

WHAT: Cindy Sheehan, Co-Founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, will speak at an event sponsored and hosted by the National Press Club

WHEN: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. E.T., Friday, October 28, 2005, including brief introduction by the National Press Club, remarks by Sheehan, and a question-and-answer period.

WHERE: National Press Club, 529 14th St NW Ste 1300, Washington, DC 20045-2301.

Cindy Sheehan is co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, a member of the After Downing Street Coalition, and a member of Military Families Speak Out. She is the mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, KIA April 4, 2004, Baghdad. Sheehan camped outside President Bush's Texas home this past summer in an effort to persuade him to answer the question "For what noble cause did my son die?"

All members of the media are invited, regardless of membership in the National Press Club. Non-members of the media will not be admitted.