My letter to the President of the United States
August 16th, 2010
Dear Mr. President:
Why have you failed us?
Two years ago, when you were asking for our votes for president, your campaign said you supported the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which would provide us with the health care we earned through our service to this country. Since that time, though, you've said absolutely nothing about the heroes of 9/11. We thought you would be our champion, because the last administration failed us. Thousands of brave men & woman need your voice & support.
While supporting or opposing the mosque near ground zero is not an issue for us, it is disturbing that you have the time and energy to speak in favor of the mosque, but not on the health crisis caused by the attacks. It is our understanding that you have never personally addressed the issue of 9/11 responders and survivors on your own, and that the only time you have even mentioned the issue was when you were confronted about it.
We're sure your advisers will say that you put $150 million in the budget this year for 9/11 health programs, and that shows your support for our cause – but we both know that 1) this is not even close to what you committed to support during the campaign, and 2) your administration has had to be dragged kicking and screaming into providing help for 9/11 responders – in fact, you only pledged the $150 million when you were pressed on the issue.
9/11 responders and survivors with lifelong illnesses need guaranteed health care, not a single year's funding. Your budget also will do nothing for the men and women who can't work because of their illnesses, and struggle to pay their mortgages and feed their families.
We are sure you are planning to come to New York on September 11th to honor those who died, as well you should, but it would be an insult to us if you were to come to New York and not say anything about the bill to help sick and dying 9/11 responders. After nine years of speeches and tributes but no action, we've heard enough. And sir if you choose not to come to New York on the 9th anniversary, then I implore you to make a public statement saying you support 9/11 responders, those effected by 9/11 and it's aftermath and our bill HR.847 & S.1334. God bless you Mr. President, God bless America & God bless the tens of thousands of men & woman who need your support.
August 16th, 2010
Dear Mr. President:
Why have you failed us?
Two years ago, when you were asking for our votes for president, your campaign said you supported the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which would provide us with the health care we earned through our service to this country. Since that time, though, you've said absolutely nothing about the heroes of 9/11. We thought you would be our champion, because the last administration failed us. Thousands of brave men & woman need your voice & support.
While supporting or opposing the mosque near ground zero is not an issue for us, it is disturbing that you have the time and energy to speak in favor of the mosque, but not on the health crisis caused by the attacks. It is our understanding that you have never personally addressed the issue of 9/11 responders and survivors on your own, and that the only time you have even mentioned the issue was when you were confronted about it.
We're sure your advisers will say that you put $150 million in the budget this year for 9/11 health programs, and that shows your support for our cause – but we both know that 1) this is not even close to what you committed to support during the campaign, and 2) your administration has had to be dragged kicking and screaming into providing help for 9/11 responders – in fact, you only pledged the $150 million when you were pressed on the issue.
9/11 responders and survivors with lifelong illnesses need guaranteed health care, not a single year's funding. Your budget also will do nothing for the men and women who can't work because of their illnesses, and struggle to pay their mortgages and feed their families.
We are sure you are planning to come to New York on September 11th to honor those who died, as well you should, but it would be an insult to us if you were to come to New York and not say anything about the bill to help sick and dying 9/11 responders. After nine years of speeches and tributes but no action, we've heard enough. And sir if you choose not to come to New York on the 9th anniversary, then I implore you to make a public statement saying you support 9/11 responders, those effected by 9/11 and it's aftermath and our bill HR.847 & S.1334. God bless you Mr. President, God bless America & God bless the tens of thousands of men & woman who need your support.
"Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure" - Abraham Lincoln